晶洞玉石片連紫水晶柱吊墜(01) Geode Slice w/Amethyst Point Silver Plated Pendant(01)



紫水晶的用途,力量: 紫水晶也是石英的一種,是6週年紀念寶石。 脈輪 - 第三眼輪,冠輪 誕生 - 二月(雙魚座) 紫水晶是一種強力的保護性晶石,具有強大的癒合和浄化力量。它可以防止靈力攻擊並消除消極情緒。它可以保護佩戴者免受他人的各種負性思想影響,並減輕壓力,平衡情緒。在精神層面上,紫水晶可以激活靈力覺醒,打開直覺並增強靈力。它具有擴展高級思維的能力,增強個人的創造力和熱情,完善了思維過程,幫助人們吸收新思想,並將思想付諸實踐。紫水晶也是專注和成功的護身符。 從人軆機能方面,據說紫水晶可促進激素產生,調節內分泌系統和新陳代謝。它可增強免疫系統,淨化血液,減輕身體,情感和心理上的痛苦。紫水晶可緩解頭痛并釋放緊張感,並且對酒精,毒品或其他成癮的過度放縱具有清醒的作用。 請注意紫水晶在直射的陽光下會褪色。要清洗浄化紫水晶可將之放在流水下一會並同時心念將之清洗浄化好。 產品由英國進口。 顯示的圖像是實際商品的外觀。 但是請注意,照片和實際產品之間的顏色可能略有偏差。 The Uses and Power of Amethyst: Amethyst is a variety of Quartz and is a 6th Anniversary gemstone. Chakras - Third Eye, Crown Birthstone - February (Pisces) Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone with strong healing and cleansing powers. It is used to guard against psychic attack and dissolves negativity. It protects the wearer from all types of ill wishes from others and relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, fear and anxiety. On the spiritual level, amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. Its ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion, strengthens the imagination and intuition, and refines the thinking processes. As a talisman of focus and success, it helps one to assimilate new ideas, put thought into action, and brings projects to fruition. Physically, Amethyst boosts hormone production, tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. It strengthens the immune system and cleanses the blood, reduces physical, emotional and psychological pain. Amethyst eases headaches and releases tension, and has a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions. Amethyst fades in direct sunlight. It is also good to be often cleared by running water for a short period with affirmations. Product was imported directly from U.K.. The image shown is the appearance of the actual merchandise. However please note there may be slight variations of colour between the photo and the actual product.
